MN Health Records Act (MHRA)

CCHF has met with legislative members, House and Senate leadership, and House and Senate committee chairs to discuss the consent-attack plan that’s underway to repeal the protective Minnesota Health Records Act (MHRA) – one of the strongest patient consent laws in the nation. 

We have three purposes:

1. To inform you of this major assault on Minnesotan’s consent

2. To tell you not to accept the lies you’re going to hear

3. To ask for your help to hold YOUR legislator’s feet to the fire!


1. Minnesota’s Patient Consent Law is Under MAJOR Attack:

MN’s current medical consent law is STRONGER than the federal HIPAA “no-consent” rule — and those who don’t like this barrier between them and your medical data are committed to repealing the MN law THIS session.

Big Business and Big Government have joined forces to repeal the law. Lobbyists from these groups are in full attack mode: Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, Minnesota’s health plans, MN Hospital Association, Minnesota State Bar Association, and Minnesota Business Partnership.

These groups want ready-access to ALL THE DATA IN ALL YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS without your consent: clinics, hospitals, health plans, and all their “business associates,” including lawyers. US Dept. of HHS lists 1.5 million business associates who can have access to your data under HIPAA without your consent, if your doctor, hospital or insurer gives it to them. But under MN’s consent law, they must get your consent!

2. Don’t accept the lies you’re going to hear: You’ll hear versions of:

a) We’re just conforming MN law to the HIPAA standard. (TRUTH: MN already conforms. HIPAA allows states to write stronger consent laws)
b) It’s a way to reduce costs and coordinate care (TRUTH: it’s a violation of privacy and consent rights…and data is a profitable asset.)
c) 48 states have conformed to HIPAA (TRUTH: MN conforms to HIPAA (see (a)). Other states also protect certain consent rights, just like Minnesota)

3. Send an Email to Hold YOUR legislators’ Feet to the FIRE:

Legislators who support patient consent and privacy say they need help to stop this Big Biz/Big Gov’t plan! We’ve devised a SIMPLE strategy—and it requires YOU!

For that, we need you to send an email to your own state senator and representative to ask them how they will vote on this issue. Get it in writing and on record. Then, send us their response so we can support those willing to stand up for privacy and talk to those who need more facts.

Thank you to everyone who has already reached out. CCHF has heard from legislators that they have constituents with concerns. Keep up the pressure!

As their constituent, YOU can hold them accountable for their vote and ask them to protect your medical privacy and consent rights.


FACT: This will be a fight to the finish.

Send this to your MN friends and family. We need their help too!

If you have any additional questions about this issue or would like to help in additional ways, please call our main office at 651-646-8935.

CCHF is committed to stopping their privacy-attack plan. We will be sending you weekly updates on this issue and will let you know what you can do to protect your privacy and consent rights.

To sign up for these alerts, follow this link.

Your voice and your action is essential. We cannot even hope to win if you do not engage!

Letter sent to Rep. Zerwas & Sen. Pratt

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