ST. PAUL, Minn. — On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed...
Private vs. Public Coverage
Saving Grace, Good News, and Medicare’s 59th Anniversary
We’ve had a week of very good news! It all began with...
Congress Must Act on Dire Medicare Trustees’ Report, Says CCHF
ST. PAUL, Minn. — Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF) is asking...
CCHF Takes a Stand in Iowa and Minnesota
ST. PAUL, Minn. — Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom...
CCHF’s Written Testimony Opposing Minnesota SF 4778 Public Option
CCHF TESTIMONY -- SF 4778 Public Option (Wiklund) -- March 14, 2024 Madame...
CCHF STATEMENT: Aetna Audit Exposes Harm to Taxpayers and Patients
“As recent HHS OIG reports show, health plans expose taxpayers to fraudulent behavior and patients to deleterious denials of care. Health plans have upcoded the health status of Medicare patients to get higher federal payments, and they’ve denied medically necessary care to Medicare and Medicaid patients. Both actions lead to higher profits.
MN Health Insurance Exchange Realities
Adding Minnesotans to "the largest consolidation of personal data in the...
Health Exchanges -Obamacare
"The ACA cannot be implemented without an insurance exchange in each state....
CCHF Submits Written Testimony Opposing MN HF 1030
CCHF submitted written testimony recently opposing HF 1030, a bill introduced...
CCHF Submits Written Testimony Opposing MN HF 1030
Submitted Written Testimony for H.F. 1030 (Eliminate Cost-Sharing) House...