Guide: Avoid 10 Medicare Traps

As Medicare Annual Enrollment kicks off this month, millions of Americans are faced with a choice they may not be feel prepared to make.

Today, to address these concerns, we’ve released our first-ever Medicare How-To Guide—a one-of-a-kind resource designed to cut through the confusion and provide a clear path forward, arming Medicare-age Americans with a wealth of information to protect against 10 Medicare Traps!

CCHF "Discharge" Instructions

At the doctor’s office or in the hospital, discharge instructions are often given to you before you leave. These instructions tell you the next steps you need to take after you’ve been treated. Download and print these instructions to keep with you.

Find A Doctor That Works For You

Watch our new animated video to promote The Wedge of Health Freedom®, a nationwide online directory of independent, cash-based practices.

COVID-19 Quick Reference Guide

CCHF has updated its COVID-19 Quick Reference Guide with Immediate Steps to Reduce Your Risk of COVID-19 and “Long Haul” Covid Disease.

Protecting Patient and Doctor Freedom

The Mission Of Citizens’ Council For Health Freedom

WATCH: Important COVID Update with Research and Stories from Twila Brase

Do not ignore Covid. It's not the flu. Covid is a clotting disease. Twila sat down for a Facebook Live broadcast to discuss the ongoing COVID crisis facing the country. Don't miss the information in this broadcast. CCHF Facebook Live COVID Broadcast with Twila Brase...
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Key Initiatives 

HIPAA: The Deliberate Deception

HIPAA is a permissive data-sharing rule that does not protect your privacy.

Real ID - Don't Comply

Unconstitutional National ID card setting up a China-like Social Credit System of control.

Taking Baby DNA

Government storage of newborn DNA without parental consent after newborn screening.

The Wedge of Health Freedom®

See our online network of cash-based practices – find a doctor who works for you!

Medicare Opt-Out

Giving seniors the right to opt out of Medicare without losing access to Social Security Retirement Benefits

Exam Room Access for Parents

Giving parents the right to stay in the exam room with their teenage children

Press Releases

CCHF Asks President-Elect Trump to Withdraw Two Health Care Nominees
CCHF Asks President-Elect Trump to Withdraw Two Health Care Nominees

ST. PAUL, Minn. — Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF) sent a letter dated December 2, 2024 to President-elect Trump asking him to reconsider the nominations of Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, MD, for surgeon general and Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD, MBA, for administrator of...

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Act Now: CCHF is Always Working

Each day, CCHF works to protect patient and doctor freedom. We know that securing health freedom for all is an effort that must involve the federal government, as well as state and local governments. Learn more about what CCHF is doing right now across the country – and in your state. Get involved in the fight for health freedom!

Take Action

CCHF At Work

Speaking Event 

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