** NOTICE **
CCHF does not endorse any firm or attorney and is not responsible for your decision regarding choice of persuasive, delay, or legal options, or for the outcomes of these pursuits, including the choice to seek legal redress. These suggestions and resources have been shared solely as a helpful resource for you to begin to explore the many options potentially available for personal action or legal redress, if desired. We make no claims about these individuals or organization or their services and we accept no responsibility for your choices, their services or the outcomes of your choices and their services. BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR INFORMATION, YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS.
Across the nation, corporations and governments are issuing Covid injection (“vaccination”) mandates, forcing many individuals to choose between their job or the genetic-engineered experimental jab. Students are facing discriminatory practices if they choose not to take the Covid shot. Members of the military are facing vaccination mandates. On August 18, 2021, the Biden administration announced plans to develop an “emergency regulation requiring staff vaccinations” at the 15,000 nursing homes that receive federal funding.
Thus, Americans are facing forced injections and losing their right and freedom to make medical decisions of their own choosing if they want to freely engage in public life, including employment and education. Increasingly, today’s only options for individuals are:
- Vaccination (submit)
- Persuasion
- Resignation
- Termination
- Litigation
It is a time for choosing.
Rather than relinquish individual freedom over medical decisions, there are options. If you have chosen of your own free will to refuse the Covid-19 injection and wish to apply for an exemption or pursue legal representation due to coercion or threats of employment termination, college disenrollment, or limits on your ability to engage freely in public life, please do your own research. Click here for suggested options of persuasion.
But first, when faced with a coercive demand by your employer or college, consider the following strategy:
Delay gives circumstances and unjust demands an opportunity to change. If you wish to use this strategy, here are some suggestions to consider: it may be difficult, but don’t rush to comply. Don’t rush to relieve the pressure. Ignore demands. Wait for the employer or authorities to act decisively.
Use the power of the pen. Write a letter objecting to the hostile environment using the employer’s own prohibitions against a hostile working environment. Certify it. Keep a copy of it. Write letters to the editor of your local community or city (Note that the vaccinated are now getting infected). Write a group letter objecting to forced injection.
Give a limited response. If push comes to shove and you decide to request an exemption, do not share all the details. If a doctor’s note is demanded, take your time getting an appointment.
Call their bluff. If you want an opportunity to sue for wrongful termination, for wrongful loss of education, loss of pension, and loss of income, wait. Do not tender your resignation. Wait for the demanding authority to take action. Collect every document issued by the authority, including every demand, every rationale given, and every threat. Document the date, the time, the person who issued the demand, and wait. Do not rush to act. WAIT. Despite their claims, who knows what will happen. The one willing to walk away usually has the power. Consider this possibility: If they terminate you, what will they pay to get you back?
Florida COVID Summit Talks
On November 9, 2021 in Ocala, Florida, top physicians gathered to discuss their updated Physicians’ Declaration, as well as their call to stop authoritarian public health measures. Watch the whole day of talks here:
Florida COVID Summit Talks – Global Covid Summit
Make a Special Note to Watch: Jeff Childers, Attorney, on Claiming Religious Exemptions — Starting at the 3:31:00 mark
The stakes are high. The outcome of any decision is uncertain. Whether to use this or other delay strategies is a personal decision based on moral, ethical and other considerations. The following options are also offered for your consideration:
Injection Exemption Letters
The following is a sample of the many exemption and other types of related letters and tools proliferating online and elsewhere as individuals seeks to assert their human and legal right to refuse to be injected with a substance they do not want and are not comfortable with. This list may be added to as other letters and forms are discovered or received from readers.
Source | Letter Type | Web Address | Note |
Awaken New York | Various | https://awakenny.wordpress. com/2021/05/10/forms-for-th ose-required-to-get-covid-jab/ | “Notice for Employers, Universities, and other Institutions mandating Masks, Test, and Injections” |
Gab News | Religious | https://news.gab.com/2021/07/29/ important-download-covid-vaccine-religious-exemption-documents-here/ | |
GrowLouder | Various | https://www.growlouder.com/free- document-downloads | |
Informed Consent Action Network | Exemptions specific to named colleges | https://www.icandecide.org/covid- 19-vaccine-exemptions/ | |
Liberty Counsel | Legal help for religious exemptions | https://lc.org/exempt | |
Religious Exemption Handbook | Religious | https://drive.google.com/drive/fol ders/16b5I7XKmu2j79WuX16tu4D46-uUaRC_5?usp=sharing | The Religious Exemption Handbook is supplied by Rita Palma (mykidsmychoice.com) |
Legal Resources for Representation
The following is a sample of various law offices and organization that individuals may consider if they seek to assert their human and legal right to refuse to be injected with a substance they do not want and are not comfortable with. This list may be added to as other actively engaged legal resources are discovered.
Name | Website | Location |
UPDATED List of Lawyers by StateWho Fight COVID-19 Mandates | cleverjourneys.com/2021/09/19/list-of-lawyers-by- state-who-fight-covid-19-mandates/ | |
Alliance Defending Freedom | adflegal.org/request-legal-help | Arizona |
America Frontline Nurses | https://www.americanfrontlinenurses.com/the advocatenewtowork | |
America’s Frontline Doctors | Vaccine Plaintiff Formhttps://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/forms/plaintiff/ | |
Barnes Law | https://barneslawllp.com | California |
Center for American Liberty | https://libertycenter.org/contact/ | Virginia |
Childers Law, Jeff Childers | https://smartbizlaw.com/our-team/ | Florida |
Children’s Health Defense | https://childrenshealthdefense.org/legal/legal- resources/ | Georgia |
Connecticut Freedom Alliance | https://www.ctfreedomalliance.org | Connecticut |
Defending the Republic | https://defendingtherepublic.org | Texas |
Goldwater Institute | https://goldwaterinstitute.org/contact/ | Arizona |
Informed Consent Action Network(email them and let them know your situation – they are the attorneys leading the forefront of the mandates) | http://Icandecide.org | Nat’l |
Institute for Justice | https://ij.org/about-us/contact-us | Virginia |
Keep Colorado Free & Open | https://keepcofree.com/enforce/legal-resources/ | Colorado |
Liberties Union (find local chapter)They are currently doing Pro Bono Work for people receiving vaccine mandates. | https://www.aclu.org/action/ | Nat’l |
Liberty Council | https://lc.org/legal-help | New York |
Lorigo | https://lorigo.com | New York |
New Mexico Stands Up | www.nmstandsup.org/resources | New Mexico |
Pacific Legal Foundation | https://pacificlegal.org/submit-a-case/ | Wash., DC Florida Washington California |
The Rutherford Institute | https://www.rutherford.org/legal_ assistance/legal_help_other | Virginia |
Upper Midwest Law Center | https://www.umwlc.org | Minnesota |
We The Patriots USA | https://wethepatriotsusa.org | Connecticut |
Wisconsin Insitute for Law and Liberty | https://will-law.org/contact-a-lawyer/ | Wisconsin |
Real Risks of Vaccination — Experts Speak
(Videos and Quotes)
Physicians and other experts share their concerns about the rush to approve the experimental, gene-based (messenger RNA) technology called the “Covid vaccine.” For expert opinion often cancelled by social media and blacked out by major media, the following are an important set of interviews that discuss aspects of Covid injection and vaccine realities that the public has heard little about, but are essential to making an informed choice:
- “Dr. Richard Urson: Early Covid Treatment and What Else Dr. Fauci Should Do to End the Pandemic” (8/20/21):
- “I cannot imagine that having an inflammatory agent in the ovaries as being a good thing for future fertility.”
- “Clotting is a real problem with the virus and it’s a real problem with the vaccine.”
- “The ‘covid-recovered’… have this huge immune response already because they had the virus and when you stick 14 billion messenger RNAs that make a hundred, a couple hundred bilion spikes, you have a war going on.”
- “Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former Pfizer VP Latest Message – Everyone Must Listen (VIDEO, 8/6/21)
- “I don’t think these ever should have been rolled out.”
- “They’re definitely not safe.”
- This virus is not as lethal as they were telling you
- This virus represents a lesser threat to the working age population – a lesser threat to you than influenza
- The elderly and very ill weren’t included in clinical trials
- “If you don’t object. they’ll eventually come around and inject you
- 75% of the serious adverse events are thromboembolic events
- Death after vaccination is running at 60 times the normal rate.
- Perspectives on the Pandemic | Dr. Peter McCullough (1 of 2) Episode #19 (VIDEO, 8/14/21):
- “Spike Proteins in Immune Cells – Dr. Bruce Patterson Discusses COVID Long Haul” (VIDEO, June 24 2021)
- ”The most common pattern we see in post vaccination long hauler symptons is…”
- “Two Different Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) Risks for SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies,” Darrell O. Ricke, Frontiers in Immunology, (ARTICLE, 2/24/21)
- “Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) may be involved in the clinical observation of increased severity of symptoms associated with early high levls of SARS-CoV-2 antiboies in patients . . . . Current SARS-VoV-2 vaccines appear to be providing protection with high antibody titers; the possibility of ADE risks associated with waning antibodies over time remains unknown. . . . . Given past data on multiple SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV vaccine efforts have failed due to ADE in animal models, it is reasonable to hypothesize a similar ADE risk for SARS-VoV-2 antibodies and vaccines.”
- “Keven Roche on coronamania,” Ricochet (PODCAST, 8/3/21):
- “Everybody’s going to end up in the same place no matter what they do.”
- “We currently have four seasonal coronaviruses.” “They don’t go away. They never go away.”
- “If we had done nothing in this epidemic, including not developing a vaccine, we would be fine. A lot of people would get sick and die, but the human race would not disappear. In fact, it would pretty quickly adapt, the virus would shift . . .”
- The Delta variant “may or may not turn out to be more transmissible, it is definitely less dangerous.”
- “The notion that we’re ever going to get rid of it is crazy. So we are going to live with it.”
- “The honest truth is, the deaths from Covid have been almost exclusively substitutive of flu deaths.”
- “Very fortunately, it’s rare for children or young adults to die.”
- “None of us are going to live forever. Are we really going to become hermits?”
** NOTICE **
CCHF does not endorse any firm or attorney and is not responsible for your decision regarding choice of persuasive, delay, or legal options, or for the outcomes of these pursuits, including the choice to seek legal redress. These suggestions and resources have been shared solely as a helpful resource for you to begin to explore the many options potentially available for personal action or legal redress, if desired. We make no claims about these individuals or organization or their services and we accept no responsibility for your choices, their services or the outcomes of your choices and their services. BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR INFORMATION, YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS.